In my professional life, I have spent decades designing and build developer tools. I'm driven by a passion to empower the masses, I design and develop tools so others can build faster. Currently I am nearly 10 years into my role as a Lead UX designer and front-end developer at
Heroku. My imprint can be traced across the world, including the design and development of tools such as Heroku platform, the new Salesforce CLI (sf), UX on CodeBuilder, and the first ever Elements Marketplace, among other impactful contributions. Prior to Heroku / Salesforce, I owned the title of "Creative Badass" in my four-year at
GitHub, where we catalyzed change for millions of developers worldwide. Notably, I played a part of the incredible five person team at OrderedList, which eventually marked GitHub's inaugural acquisition, solidifying a legacy as a catalyst for positive transformation in the realm of developer tools. I'm passionate about simple, beautiful apps that change the way we live and do things. I focus on what it takes to make simple web applications, successful experiences, while automating all that I can.