Design for the web to succeed and you too will succeed.
This automatic page generator is the easiest way to create beautiful pages for all of your projects. Author your page content here using GitHub Flavored Markdown, select a template crafted by a designer, and publish. After your page is generated, you can check out the new branch:
$ cd your_repo_root/repo_name
$ git fetch origin
$ git checkout gh-pages
As we do, we're open sourcing the front end code for the new GitHub pages themes. This is just one of the many beautiful themes that can used to dynamically turn your static repo into a beautiful marketing site.
We've crafted some handsome templates for you to use. Go ahead and continue to layouts to browse through them. You can easily go back to edit your page before publishing. After publishing your page, you can revisit the page generator and switch to another theme. Your page content will be preserved if it remained in markdown format.
For more info on GitHub Pages, check out For help, check the GitHub Pages documentation.
Your code should be beautiful, or at least that's what the designers think.
require 'adapter/memory'
require 'toystore'
class User
include Toy::Store
adapter :memory, {}
attribute :name, String
So, this is what HTML Code looks like
<div id="header">
<li>About Us</li>
And, then maybe some CSS
body {
font:14px/22px 'Quattrocento Sans', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
margin: 0px;
padding:0px 0 20px 0px;
background: url(../images/body-background.png) #eae6d1;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
margin:0 0 10px;
p, ul, ol, table, pre, dl {
margin:0 0 20px;
Inline code would look a little different. We want you to see
where it is, but its going to be a little less noticeable. It might also be as simple as :hover
and as unique as :first-child
. It is up to you.
The sub-navigation is automatically generated using a little JS based on the H1 and H2 tags in your markdown file. The goal was to make it a quick and exciting
way to write a markdown file and create an amazing pages site.
He's a designer and frontend dev, who would like to think his code is worked through and thought through well. Previously designing at GitHub and Ordered List. Found on Twitter, Dribbble, GitHub and around the country for numerous events. Enjoyed the theme? Share it with the twitterverse.